Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Everything of moment or import, be here.....

Doesn't it seem like life is always a whirlwind......? Saw a great quote today in my wanderings, and it stopped me, set me to pondering --- and maybe that's why I ended up here on the blog that I've been pushing off, too tired to think about doing, for so long. The quote in question (on a bamboo iPhone case at

One day I'm not
going to do what
I'm expected to.
One day I'm going
to do what makes
me happy.
One day soon,
I'm going to live
my life.

But here's the deal -- every breath I take is living MY life. So -- no waiting for "one day." This be it. The coffee and roses are here to smell. I'm here to be happy and to surprise myself and everyone else........and to live this life. It's been lovely so far, and it can be so much more that I haven't let myself dream.

Dream: be the spectacular, facile, expressive pianist
Dream: be the inspirational, funny, witty, engaging, best-selling writer
Dream: create a fantastic new world, write fun fiction, and be published -- a riveting, inspiring world of everyday heros on their journeys
Dream: be healthy and vibrant every day
Dream: be wildly creative in all I do
Dream: meet and co-create a life with my soulmate

Hmmmmmmmm............................on it. Getting busy being, and all that entails. Stay tuned.